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Pink Runtz Gangbang (Pink Runtz x Male Stud)

SKU sunoma_PINKRUNTZGB Creator
Sunoma Seeds


Pink Runtz is one of the most popular cultivars available today. 

Pink Runtz was taken aside at our breeding farm and placed into an area surrounded by the “Sunoma Studs” of 2020. The plant was pollinated by a large group of different males from a wide spectrum of genetic backgrounds. The result is a lottery of crosses; essentially a variety pack of the mother, Pink Runtz, crossed to a bunch of different males.

10 regular seeds per pack

Availability: 5 in stock

Pink Runtz is one of the most popular cultivars available today. It’s remarkable ability to please the senses of smell and taste boasts a deep purple color that will bring massive bag appeal and bring friends coming back for more.

 Pink Runtz was taken aside at our breeding farm and placed into an area surrounded by the “Sunoma Studs” of 2020. The plant was pollinated by a large group of different males from a wide spectrum of genetic backgrounds. The result is a lottery of crosses; essentially a variety pack of the mother, Pink Runtz, crossed to a bunch of different males. The phenotypes in these packs are expected to vary greatly and give an opportunity for the grower to compare different influences from the different males without having to invest in too many different packs. Variety is the reward in growing these 

10 regular seeds per pack

Availability: 5 in stock

Pink Runtz Gangbang (Pink Runtz x Male Stud)

SKU sunoma_PINKRUNTZGB Category