Sea-90 restores soil fertility, enhances the nutrient density of plants and pastures, improves the health and vitality of animals, and works wonders in gardens and aquaponics systems.
SEA-90 sea mineral is a result of the research provided by Maynard Murray MD, (1900-1982), a pioneer of sea energy agriculture. Early in his career, Dr. Murray realized that Americans were living longer, but chronic diseases were steadily increasing. He found that soils and foods grown therein had become critically mineral deficient due to erosion, leaching and poor soil management. Farmers were using greater amounts of fertilizers and chemicals to increase production, yet the results were mineral-deficient crops & livestock.
Doctor Murray learned that ocean water contains from 85 to 92 naturally balanced trace elements, and that sea life inhabiting unpolluted oceans rarely ever exhibited any disease symptoms. After establishing the relationship between ocean minerals and health, he experimented with sea solids for the purpose of vitalizing soil.
In order to conduct his research, Dr. Murray needed a source of dry sea-minerals. Fortunately, he found one location in the northern hemisphere where sea-solids are created naturally by solar dehydration from pristine ocean water and he began to prove his theories.
After thirty years of research, he concluded that crops fed with sea minerals grow better than those produced using conventional methods. Crops exhibited larger yields, plus significant natural disease & insect resistance. Plant tissue analyses indicated higher vitamin, sugar & protein levels plus livestock were shown to prefer sea-mineral enriched feed-stock.
Dr. Murray’s sea mineral solids, now trademarked SEA-90, is a 100% natural & water-soluble mined mineral listed by the Organic Materials & Review Institute for the production of organic food & livestock.
SEA-90 sea-mineral solids are produced bi-annually in a pristine location from fresh sea water rich in trace elements. Intense solar dehydration removes all water. Rain never falls on SEA-90: This guarantees that all of the vital minerals & trace elements are in the perfect proportions and quantities found only in pure ocean water.
SEA-90 solubilizes to disburse a full spectrum of vital trace elements into the soil following a thorough rain or watering, as well as easily dissolving for foliar and drip applications. In addition,SEA-90 can be offered free choice to livestock or mixed into feed-stock & supplements.
Sea-90’s mineral nutrients feed soil microbiology, enzymes, and fungi to create a more productive soil matrix.
Seeing a decline in fertilizer efficiency? Sea-90 helps to unlock existing fertilizer nutrients and make them more available to pastures, plants, and crops.
Add Sea-90’s mineral nutrients to your compost or compost tea to double your microbial populations and increase compost efficiency.
No matter what you’re growing, healthier soil mineralized with Sea-90 will produce healthier, higher-quality plant growth.
Sea-90 offers all-natural, complete spectrum macro and trace mineral nutrition.
Sea-90 Ocean Minerals Offers Complete Mineral And Trace Element Nutrition, Naturally Powered By The Pristine Sea Of Cortez. Originally Discovered By Dr. Maynard Murray, Sea-90 Is Sourced From The Same Location As His Original “Sea Solids.”
- Foliar: 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. Apply every 7-10 days
- Root drench: 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Apply weekly
- Garden soil, pots and beds. Sprinkle 3.5 ounces per 100 square feet
- Compost tea: 3.5 ounces per 22 gallons of water. Apply before brewing
- Compost. Add 3.5 oz to 80 lbs of compost